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andrea brüschweiler

Heatwave and drought bring suffering and hunger to Bech Khlok

Months of drought and weeks of record temperatures of 38-43°C in March/April have destroyed a large part of the harvest.

Many farmers have to borrow money to buy seeds, fertiliser and pesticides for cultivation. When the harvest fails, they are faced with a mountain of debt that they cannot repay. The private banks show no mercy and the exorbitant interest rates drive some families into financial ruin.

Many have to leave the village to find work in the cities or in other provinces, sometimes illegally in Thailand. The children are left behind with relatives in the village.

It is a very tough time for many in the village. The rainwater tanks are empty, most of the ponds have dried up and the dramatic water shortage has driven up the price of water and rice. Many children come to school hungry and thirsty.

To alleviate the hardship, Seed Germany has decided to provide 70 families with basic food supplies. Thanks to joint financial support from the German association Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V., the families will each receive 50 kilograms of rice, soy sauce, fish paste and around 1000 litres of water for the very poorest. As the rainy season has begun, hopefully all the water tanks will soon be filled.

As such weather extremes are likely to increase in the coming years, we are trying to find a long-term solution. We hope that the farmers in our target area will be included in another organisation's agriculture programme that deals with this issue. We are currently making initial contacts. We are also hopeful that the fields of Bech Khlok will be connected to a public irrigation system by 2025.

And now for some very good news. In April, we received a positive response from the Swiss Dr Ernst-Günther Bröder Foundation. It will cover a large part of the costs for our secondary school support programme until the end of the year. Together with the contributions from private donors, all costs are now covered until the end of 2024.

We launched the secondary school support programme a few years ago to ensure that school education does not end with the completion of primary school. We are now already supporting 28 pupils from the poorest families so that they can attend the nearest secondary school (40 minutes by motorbike) and then complete an apprenticeship or study at university.

With this programme, we ensure that the children grow up to become well-educated and responsible young people. Through their school education, their studies or their vocational training, they have the opportunity to help their families and the community with the knowledge and professional skills they have acquired. They also have an important role model function. They show that it is possible to take on challenges, overcome difficulties and achieve goals. This can be encouraging and empowering for younger students who are facing their own obstacles.

We are very grateful for every donation, whether large or small. Because without this support, these projects would simply not be possible! Donate! Deutsche Übersetzung:

Hitzewelle und Dürre bringen Leid und Hunger nach Bech Khlok

Monatelange Trockenheit und wochenlange Rekordtemperaturen von 38-43°C im März/April haben einen Großteil der Ernte vernichtet.

Viele Bauern müssen sich Geld leihen, um Saatgut, Dünger und Pestizide zu kaufen. Wenn dann die Ernte ausfällt, stehen sie vor einem Berg von Schulden, die sie nicht zurückzahlen können. Die privaten Banken kennen keine Gnade, und die Wucherzinsen treiben manche Familien ins Elend. 

Viele müssen deshalb das Dorf verlassen, um in den Städten oder in anderen Provinzen Arbeit zu finden, zum Teil auch illegal in Thailand. Die Kinder werden bei Verwandten im Dorf zurückgelassen. 

Für Interessierte hier der Link zu einem sehr guten Podcast von Radio SRF international zum allgegenwärtigen Thema Mikrokreditkatastrophe: Armut. Hoffnung. Schuldenfalle? Mikrokredite in Kambodscha

Für viele im Dorf ist es eine sehr schwere Zeit. Die Regenwassertanks sind leer, die meisten Teiche ausgetrocknet und der dramatische Wassermangel hat die Preise für Wasser und Reis in die Höhe getrieben. Viele Kinder kommen hungrig und durstig in die Schule. 

Um die Not zu lindern, hat Seed Deutschland beschlossen, 70 Familien mit Grundnahrungsmitteln zu versorgen. Dank der finanziellen Mitunterstützung vom deutschen Verein Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V. erhalten die Familien jeweils 50 Kilogramm Reis, Sojasoße, Fischpaste und die allerärmsten rund 1000 Liter Wasser. Da die Regenzeit begonnen hat, werden hoffentlich bald alle Wassertanks gefüllt sein.

Da solche Wetterextreme in den nächsten Jahren wahrscheinlich zunehmen werden, versuchen wir eine langfristige Lösung zu finden. Wir hoffen, dass die Landwirte in unserem Zielgebiet in das Landwirtschaftsprogramm einer anderen Organisation aufgenommen werden, welches diese Problematik aufgreift. Wir bemühen uns um erste Kontakte. Außerdem besteht die Hoffnung, dass die Felder von Bech Khlok bis 2025 an ein öffentliches Bewässerungssystem angeschlossen werden.

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